Add player - Individual Agents U15/16 Boys 1

Thank you for adding a player and paying their fee

You have received an email with your receipt. If you need to edit or update information please contact the manager of the registration.

Date of payment: {{hasPaid()}}

This player is removed so you can't pay for them.

Thank you for adding a player and paying their fee

You have received an email with your receipt. If you need to edit or update information please contact the manager of the registration.

Date of payment: {{replacePlayer.paymentDate | date}}

I want to register another player
Thank you for adding the player. If you need to edit or update information please contact the manager of the registration.
Legal guardian consent

You need to be the legal guardian of the player you add. Enter your name and accept the terms and conditions to continue.

Legal consent

You need to consent. Enter your name and accept the terms and conditions to continue.

Add player

Complete payment for player

Edit player

In order to complete payment for {{}}.
Select the participant fee below and click Next to go to the payment
Importing players: {{original.currentImportIndex+1}} / {{original.importingPlayers.length}}

Personal information

If you allow the player name to be displayed publicly, the tournament may show player names in statistics and live scoring and in other relevant situations.


In order to use guest players, you must apply and give a justification as to why they should be allowed to participate during the tournament.
The tournament management will then make a decision on your application. You will receive an email with the decision.

Status: {{player.guestplayerStatus | humanOverageRequestStatus}}





Participant fees

Choose alternative:
There are participant fees that are not possible to book directly here, but must be booked via the 'Participant fees' title in your team account and come back here. Book participant fees
Choose alternative:
There are participant fees that are not possible to book directly here, but must be booked via the 'Participant fees' title in your team account and come back here. Book participant fees
Choose alternative:
There are participant fees that are not possible to book directly here, but must be booked via the 'Participant fees' title in your team account and come back here. Book participant fees
It's not possible to book 'extras' here. You can do this under the 'Participant fees' title in your team account after you're finished here.
Has participant fee in another team?
If a person already have registered their participant fees in another team (or categories for individual sports), it's not needed in this team.
Please note that if the player does not have a valid participant fee in another team they may not participate in the tournament or event.
Choose alternative:

You have to pay for this player's participation. Please add your email so we can send you a receipt

Choose payment method

We have received a payment from you that we could not categorize to a specific order. Help us categorize the payment here:
There are refunds that you need to claim manually
Show active team funds {{T("Web.EconomyBanner.TeamFunds.Title", activeTeamFunds().length)}}

No fees to pay at the moment

You do not need to pay anything to the organizer

All costs are paid*

* Note that the payments made with Klarna Pay-Later need to be settled with Klarna within 30 days from their creation

Economy information

* Note that the payments made with Klarna Pay-Later need to be settled with Klarna within 30 days from their creation

Economy information

* Note that the payments made with Klarna Pay-Later need to be settled with Klarna within 30 days from their creation
No unpaid invoices
Det kommer faktureras {{banner.costsLeftToInvoice}} {{banner.currency.code}} den {{banner.otherPaymentDueDate|date:'dd MMMM'}} varav ni redan betalt {{banner.restToCategorize}} {{banner.currency.code}}

You have paid to much*

* Note that the payments made with Klarna Pay-Later need to be settled with Klarna within 30 days from their creation

Economy information

* Note that the payments made with Klarna Pay-Later need to be settled with Klarna within 30 days from their creation
No unpaid invoices
Det kommer faktureras {{banner.costsLeftToInvoice}} {{banner.currency.code}} den {{banner.otherPaymentDueDate|date:'dd MMMM'}} varav ni redan betalt {{banner.restToCategorize}} {{banner.currency.code}}

Economy information

Du har betalt {{banner.totalPayed}} av {{banner.totalCosts}} {{banner.currency.code}}
* Note that the payments made with Klarna Pay-Later need to be settled with Klarna within 30 days from their creation
All registration fees have been paid
Anm.avgifter: {{banner.registrationCosts - banner.registrationPayed}} {{banner.currency.code}} Betalas senast {{banner.registrationPaymentDueDate|date:'dd MMMM'}}
All other costs have been paid
Övrigt: {{banner.otherCosts - banner.otherPayed}} {{banner.currency.code}} Betalas senast {{banner.otherPaymentDueDate|date:'dd MMMM'}}


You just need to verify your email address to continue. Please check your mail, and enter the password you have received in your confirmation email

Email address
Your password
Forgot password?
We have sent an email to you
Could not log in, check your password

Pay invoice {{onlyInvoice.invoiceNr}}


An unexpected error occurred when the registration was processed. To ensure that the registration went through, please contact Cup Manager support: or +46 46 52580 Please do not try to register again before contacting us.

Payment complete

Thank you for your payment

Create invoice

Du kommer att få en faktura på {{invoiceDialog.costsLeftToInvoice}} AUD.
Lägg märke till att ni redan betalt {{banner.restToCategorize}} {{banner.currency.code}}, så ni behöver bara betala {{invoiceDialog.costsLeftToInvoice - banner.restToCategorize}} AUD på den nya fakturan.

An unexpected error occurred when the registration was processed. To ensure that the registration went through, please contact Cup Manager support: or +46 46 52580 Please do not try to register again before contacting us.

Invoice created!

You will receive the new invoice by email

Payment complete!

Thank you for your payment.
Payment error

Payment information

Registration fees

{{banner.registrationCosts - banner.registrationPayed}} AUD

Other costs

{{banner.otherCosts - banner.otherPayed}} AUD

Payment information

Print payment information

Pay your fees to
BSB 063-165
Account 10553837

When paying, do enter the following reference number: 1001


Do you really want to remove {{}}?

Sorry, an error occurred.

Handle refunds

Register bank account

Name {{banner.userStripeAccount.accountHolderName}}
BankName {{banner.userStripeAccount.bankName}}
Account number **** ******** {{banner.userStripeAccount.last4}}

You have no registered bank account. Please register an account with Stripe

Tip! You will need the IBAN code of you bank account. It is possible to calculate it from your ordinary account number using this link

Confirm that the refund should be transferred to the bank account above by clicking the 'confirm account' button


Date Amount Currency
{{refund.created | date:'d MMM, HH:mm'}} {{refund.klarnaAmount}} {{refund.klarnaCurrency.code}} Refund has been sent

Categorize payments

Error: {{error}}

Uncategorized payments:

{{categorizeDialog.uncategorizedPayed}} AUD

Invoices with no payments

Reg. fees Other Date
{{invoice.registrationCosts}} {{invoice.otherCosts}} {{invoice.dueDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy'}}

Left to categorize

Reg. fees Other
{{team.registrationCosts}} {{team.otherCosts}}

Selected invoices

Selected orders

{{total()}} AUD

- {{uncategorizedToBeUsed()}} AUD

Left to pay after categorization

= {{total() - uncategorizedToBeUsed()}} AUD
